Reading Ewan Spence post on All About Symbian I was reminded of the fact that it is not just the applications but some websites which are very handy for mobile users. Ewan tries to find alternates to Worldmate Professional which are either available on S60 or on WAP sites.
The features of Worldmate Professional he discusses are
- Currency convertor for which he suggests changing the current currency to the currency of the country you want to check the exchange rate for.
- For finding flight status he suggests using mobile.flightview.com.
- For world clock he suggests using Google. For example for the time in Spain search for "what time is it in Spain now" in Google and voila! you will have the answer.
- For world weather Ewan suggests the BBC site for weather at www.bbc.co.uk/weather/world
- For making notes and inventory Tripit is suggested where email notifications of all bookings and confirmations are forwarded by you from your email.
- For social networking dopplr is suggested the mobile version of which can be accessed at m.dopplr.com
- For traveling guide Wikitravel is a resource which is optimized for mobile browsers.
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